Our services.
Rapid antigen testing
Results available within 30 minutes
Rapid antigen COVID-19 tests detect bits of proteins on the surface of the virus called antigens. Rapid antigen tests are most accurate when used within a few days of the start of your symptoms, which is when the largest amount of virus is present in your body.
RT-PCR testing
Results available within 24 hours
Also called a molecular test, the RT-PCR test for COVID-19 detects genetic material of the virus using a lab technique called reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). A sample is collected by inserting a nasal swab into your nostril. RT-PCR tests are very accurate when properly performed by a health care professional. This is the preferred test for air travel.
Rapid RT-PCR testing
Results available within 2-4 hours
The rapid RT-PCR test combines the accuracy of RT-PCR with speed and convenience for same-day results.
Large group testing
On-site COVID-19 screenings and rapid antigen testing, as well as pre/post event RT-PCR testing, for corporate offices, large groups, and events. Rates vary by size of the event and time required.RT-PCR testing
Travel clearance letters
CDC-compliant travel clearance letters from licensed healthcare providers. Please note that some countries currently require clearance to be issued 72 hours before traveling.
Verified virtual COVID-19 testing
Virtually-guided COVID-19 antigen testing with results observed over video by a certified medical professional. This test provides rapid and verifiable results from wherever you are in the world.
At-home bloodwork
Bloodwork done in the comfort and safety in your home. We specialize in pediatric patients!